Bundle offers | Framed formwork | Wall Formwork | Doka United States

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Bundle offers

Framax Column 42’X42” 10’4” Tall

Item no. 741022075

Framax Column for widths up to 42"X42" and heights up to 10'4". 

Framax Column widths up to 42""X42"" heights up to 17'9

Item no. 741022086

Framax Column for widths up to 42"X42" and heights up to 17'9".

Frami Column widths up to 32""X32"" heights up to 18'0

Item no. 741022096

Frami Column for widths up to 32"X32" and heights up to 18'0". 

Framax Column widths up to 42""X42"" heights up to 3'0

Item no. 741022077

Framax Column for widths up to 42"X42" and heights up to 3'0". 

Framax Column widths up to 42""X42"" heights up to 4'5

Item no. 741022078

Framax Column for widths up to 42"X42" and heights up to 4'5". 

Framax Column widths up to 42""X42"" heights up to 5'1

Item no. 741022079

Framax Column for widths up to 42"X42" and heights up to 5'10". 

Framax Column widths up to 42""X42"" heights up to 7'4

Item no. 741022080

Framax Column for widths up to 42"X42" and heights up to 7'4". 

Framax Column widths up to 42""X42"" heights up to 8'10

Item no. 741022081

Framax Column for widths up to 42"X42" and heights up to 8'10".

Framax Column widths up to 42""X42"" heights up to 11'10

Item no. 741022082

Framax Column for widths up to 42"X42" and heights up to 11'10". 

Framax Column widths up to 42""X42"" heights up to 13'3

Item no. 741022083

Framax Column for widths up to 42"X42" and heights up to 13'3". 

Framax Column widths up to 42""X42"" heights up to 14'9

Item no. 741022084

Framax Column widths up to 42""X42"" heights up to 16'3

Item no. 741022085